

乔恩·奥斯特勒 -图书馆馆长

斯科特·奥尔雷德 - Division of Fine Arts, Communication, and New Media

安迪·内勒 – 工作人员 Representative

4月安德森 – Division of Business and Applied Technology

黛安·奥格登 – Division of Humanities

杰德拉斯穆森 – 参议院 教师 Representative

斯科特温顺 – Division of Natural Science and Mathematics

斯泰西Durrance – Division of Social and Behavioral Science


The 图书馆委员会 By-Laws

I. 目的
The purpose of the 图书馆委员会 is to serve as an advisory body to the 图书馆, which is an academic support program consisting of the Karen H. 亨茨曼图书馆 the Richfield Campus 图书馆. The committee will represent the various constituencies making up the academic community, as stipulated in A – E, and serve as liaisons between the 图书馆 and those constituencies.

II. 组织
The 图书馆委员会 is a standing subcommittee of the 教师参议院. 它是组成的 of faculty, staff and student 代表s. Each division will elect a faculty 代表. The 教师参议院 will review membership as required. 成员来自 Academic Support will be appointed by their directors.
The members of the committee shall elect a faculty member of the committee to serve as chair for a one-year (renewable) term at or before the first meeting each fall. To be eligible for election to the office of Chair of the 图书馆委员会, a faculty member shall have been a member of the 图书馆委员会 during the year (August–May) previous to his or her election.
Terms of office for faculty division 代表s to the 图书馆委员会 shall be two years (renewable). The division dean is not eligible for election to the 图书馆 委员会. If a committee member is unable to complete his or her term of office, the division involved shall elect a replacement to complete the term. 临时空缺 shall be filled by election or appointment by the division Dean, as determined within 每个部门.
A secretary will be provided by the 图书馆 Department or elected from the committee, at the committee’s choice.

The 图书馆委员会 will consist of representation from the following:

  1. One member from each of the teaching divisions
  2. One member from 学术深思熟虑
  3. Director of 库
  4. One member appointed by 教师参议院
  5. One member of the Student Government

3. 主席的职责
The chair will be responsible for calling the committee into session and providing 一个议程. The chair may invite interested parties to meet with the committee or sit with the committee on an ad hoc basis. The chair will speak for the committee and deliver copies of committee recommendation or other communication to the appropriate administrator or administrative body for action. He/she will receive decisions and/or input from the administrator or administrative body in question for the committee. The chair will see that a secretary records and circulates minutes and other pertinent information to the members of the committee, the 教师参议院 and other interested parties and that a record of all committee activities is maintained.

IV. Powers of the Members
Each member of the committee will have one vote on motions made by committee members. A motion passed by a majority of the voting members of the committee (not just a majority of those present) will constitute approval of recommendations to the appropriate administrator or administrative body.

V. Duties of the 委员会
The committee will meet on a regularly scheduled basis or as necessary to carry out its responsibilities that may include the following:

  1. To review the activities of the 图书馆 on a regular basis to determine if the various elements are working in harmony to meet student and faculty needs.
  2. To recommend program changes (deletions, additions and modifications) to better serve 学生和教师.
  3. To solicit input from the academic community concerning needs and concerns related to services provided/not provided.
  4. To periodically survey the academic community to determine how it views the services provided by the 图书馆 and to make recommendations, if necessary, to address needs identified in this manner.
  5. To review proposals submitted by the 图书馆 requesting support for program changes (deletions, additions and modifications) and decide whether the committee will or will not support such requests. If the 委员会 votes to support a proposal, this body would submit it as a recommendation to the appropriate administrator or administrative 审批机构.
  6. To assist the 图书馆 in continually striving to be a valuable resource to students and faculty specifically and the institution in general.